Male Gaze & Restoring Trust in our Inner Masculine

The masculine is the protector & watcher.
The feminine is the creator.

Where does the term "male gaze" even come from?

Whether it's the eye of horus from ancient Egypt, the evil eye from Turkey, or the hamsa eye symbol, in indigenous cultures, this gaze represents masculine protection while the feminine signifies creation. When colonization came along and wounded our men, women & all beings, the eye of protector evolved into the eye of perpetrator, or "male gaze"....leaving women, men, and all beings objectified, oversexualized, & disempowered
For generations, women have suffered from trauma and disempowerment propelling us into narratives of "I don't need a man" and "I hate men". While patriarchy and its perpetrators do exists...and by perpetrators that can include both wounded men and women who use their power to abuse or manipulate...this doesn't mean we should continue to be disempowered. 
We must heal our inner masculine.

Restore Trust in Our Inner Masculine.

Whether we carry wounds from our father, mother, or ex, we must heal and establish a healthy connection to our inner masculine, our yang to our yin, our shiva to our shakti....Get clear on what healthy masculine & feminine means & looks like
  • Speaking Up &, Setting Healthy Boundaries
  • Having clarity & direction in your life
  • Feeling secure & confident in who you are!
  • Creative Flow
  • Connected to your sensuality, sexuality, femininity, & womanhood...begin your journey of reclaiming sexuality here

Maybe you love how all this sounds but it seems so far fetched, new, and are just words right now. It's natural to not feel quite embodied yet. Healing our inner feminine and masculine doesn't happen overnight, it is a journey. You've taken the first step just by reading this.
If you desire to dive deeper into your healing, I can support you through individual psychotherapy, couples therapy, & women’s circles. Book a consult with me below!
Ketki Chavan, M.A., AMFT

Ketki Chavan, M.A., Associate Marriage & Family Therapist liberates women & couples from cultural, sexual, & religious trauma through psychotherapy, coaching, & women’s circles. She received her Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology & Expressive Arts Therapy at California Institute of Integral Studies and is the founder of Awaken Your Shakti, specializing in women’s therapy, cultural & sexual trauma, spirituality, sacred sexuality, and multicultural experiences.

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