Cultural, Creative & Spiritual Psychotherapy

"Shakti" is the  
power within you
From feeling unheard & letting the past define you
To unsure about where you belong or what your life purpose is.
My promise is to help you reclaim your inner goddess & power inside of you so you can live your life!  Heal your wounded feminine & masculine energy, depression & anxiety. Reclaim your body, sexuality, sensuality, femininity, creativity, womanhood , relationships, & multicultural identities.

All identities, ethnicities & backgrounds are welcome!



Based in Los Angeles serving online therapy throughout California


 You CAN create & live your dream life!

  In happiness, joy, abundance, love, self care, sense of belonging, & community. Receive your dream job. Meet your soulmate! Call in your ideal clients. Travel to the places you’ve always wanted to visit. Find your dream home & community. Invite financial abundance into your life. Whatever dreams you have,  I support you!  You deserve ALL that you desire! 

But blocks & fears hold you back from living your dream life!

 Painful memories, toxic relationships, heartbreak, and feeling stuck!
Unworthy of receiving love wealth,& abundance because you felt abandoned, rejected, judged, let down, & heartbroken
Guilt & Shame about your body & sexuality and not being a "good" girl/daughter,
Mother wounds & father wounds.

As women our voices have been silenced

Our bodies objectified & sexualized,

Always told what to do instead of asked what we desire, & thus not knowing what your heart yearns for

You ARE ready to BURN all these obstacles & awaken your power!

As a Indian American woman of color, I’m passionate about serving therapy & decolonized cultual practices to ALL ethnicities & backgrounds.

You don’t have to embark on this journey alone!


Join me on Instagram @awakenyourshakti